RCCMarketCap has launched news and tutorials!

Published on Thu Nov 07 2024 | 1 minute read

RCCMarketCap has launched news and tutorials!

RCCMarketCap has just gotten an update! There’s a new article system and some minor updates around the site. This update has been something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time and it’s nice to finally see it live. It’s still in beta so there will be some tweaks and maybe even some hiccups.

What types of things will be posted?

We will mostly use this for tutorials to help people use their RCC tokens. From time to time there will be announcements about systems that support our community and news about things happening.

Who will be writing these articles?

Articles will mostly be written in house but if you would like to contribute, please reach out to u/sending_tacoz on Reddit. If you’re a user of any of the tools we make, thank you!

– Send_Tacoz – RCCMarketCap Lead Developer

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