TRYAN price

$0.0₄232⤵ 9.17%

TRYAN/USD Calculator:

Market Cap: $23,217
Volume (24h): $104
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
DEX Liquidity: $9,792
Holders: 2,227
Blockchain Explorer:


TRYAN is about not giving up and to keep pushing when everything seems bleak. To have fun when everyone is down in the dumps. TRYAN is for anyone trying to be a little better everyday and was the fifth token to graduate from the newly launched on June 20, 2024.

TRYAN is forging its own path to the masses with an original and unique eye catching character, images, gifs and a growing colorful community. TRYAN was founded by individuals known widely within the Polygon community, bringing a grassroots level of security, support and engagement to the Polygon blockchain. TRYAN uses one of its founder’s names in the ticker, adding personality and connection to the coin and its holders. To further back this up, the character foundation on all of the memes is taken from a photo of the same founder. This highlights its desire to be transparent, drive fun within the token, not take yourself too seriously and engage with the community. Currently the community has helped make over one thousand memes and GIFs since founded.

$TRYAN can be tipped on various Reddit communities via the Community Currency Bot.

Where Can I Buy TRYAN?

TRYAN can be exchanged on Quickswap.
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