Garlicoin (ETH)

Garlicoin (ETH) price

$0.0137⤵ 0.00%

WGRLC/USD Calculator:

Market Cap: $942,407
Volume (24h): $0
Total Supply: 69,000,000
DEX Liquidity: $146
Holders: 118
Blockchain Explorer:

About Garlicoin (ETH)

Garlicoin is the cryptocurrency you never thought you needed and you probably don't. Born from the depths of Reddit and a love for garlic, Redditor u/DigitalizedOrange made a post that kickstarted this tasty digital currency. Imagine if garlic bread and cryptocurrency had a baby—it would be Garlicoin!

Where Can I Buy Garlicoin (ETH)?

WGRLC can be exchanged on Uniswap.
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