Gold HODL Token

Gold HODL Token price

$561⤵ 6.21%

GODL/USD Calculator:

Market Cap: $13,475
Volume (24h): $246
Total Supply: 24.00
DEX Liquidity: $599
Holders: 6,394
Blockchain Explorer:

About Gold HODL Token

Gold HODL ($GODL) token is a fully automated distribution dedicated to the Memetic Trader Avatars collection.

The maximum supply is 100 $GODL tokens, in tribute to the 100 wallstreetbet users who were invited to help Reddit in designing the randomized traits of the Memetic Traders.

Following the initial distribution of 10 $GODL, the remaining 90 $GODL tokens will be distributed evenly over 90 months to hodlers of the Memetic Traders, via monthly snapshots and airdorps.

Where Can I Buy Gold HODL Token?

GODL can be exchanged on Quickswap.
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