Today's Community Currency Market Cap

The total market cap of all Community Currencies listed on RCCMarketCap is $18M. a 1.48% increase over the last day. 
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Community Market Cap
$18,000,583 1.48%
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#Token Price Change (24h) Daily ChartMarket Cap Volume (24h)
Volume 24h is total value of all trades made in the top pool in the last 24 hours.
Combined liquidity from top ten pools.
1021r/CryptoCurrency Moonsr/CryptoCurrency Moons/ MOON$0.115⤴ 0.17%
22r/FortNiteBR Bricksr/FortNiteBR Bricks/ BRICK$0.0656⤵ 3.3%
2273Donut (ETH)Donut (ETH)/ DONUT$0.00521⤴ 0.17%
38114BitconeBitcone/ CONE$0.0₅1524⤴ 14.16%
45Garlicoin (ETH)Garlicoin (ETH)/ WGRLC$0.0126-
956GoneGone/ GONE$0.0₅6602⤴ 107.13%
47MoonsDustMoonsDust/ MOOND$0.116⤴ 2.83%
668TRYANTRYAN/ TRYAN$0.0₃169⤴ 24.03%
52399Stellar CannacoinStellar Cannacoin/ CANNACOIN$0.0₄281⤵ 1.8%
71610BUCKETBUCKET/ BUCKET$0.0₄738⤵ 5.1%
366411The News, BruhThe News, Bruh/ BRUH$0.0₄791⤴ 10.03%
22512r/Poopheadavatars Poopsr/Poopheadavatars Poops/ POOP$0.0₇1⤴ 3.07%
37613Gold HODL TokenGold HODL Token/ GODL$964⤴ 11.27%
19014Lama Inu CoinLama Inu Coin/ LIC$0.0₄185⤴ 14.76%
9315BonesBones/ BONE$0.0₆669⤴ 2.45%
7016Plunger TokenPlunger Token/ PLUNGER$0.0₅5184⤴ 7.07%
24017Tacon TokenTacon Token/ TACO$0.0₅4696⤴ 8.32%
1618RCAXRCAX/ RCAX$0.0₃896⤴ 5.55%
2719MikoMiko/ MIKO$0.00284-
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